Low porosity hair

How to avoid weighting it down?

Smooth, shiny and flexible. On the other hand it’s very easy to weight it down and take away its volume. Those with low porosity hair do not struggle with unruly strands and hair frizz. They don’t have any problems in combing their hair, but even when they style it, their hair returns to the normal form very fast. To get it “ready to go out” all it needs is washing and drying. This hair type allows getting super glossy and shiny hair style. But you need to be careful to avoid weighting it down and making it flat.

Low porosity hair cuticles are tightly closed. Its regular structure determines its look and the right way of taking care of it. The products suitable for low porosity hair get easily absorbed into the hair and do not stay on its surface, otherwise they would make it look flat and greasy. Low porosity hair, just like other hair types, needs protection from excessive moisture loss and harmful effect of external factors. And additionally, because of sebum overproduction which usually occurs in case of low porosity hair, it is crucial to remember about washing it properly. Selecting the right hair care products gives low porosity hair the desired volume, smoothness and shine from root to ends.

Which mask should I choose?

  •  your hair is flat at the root,
  • you cannot add any volume to it,
  • it’s too soft,
  • it looks thinner than it actually is,
  • you cannot style it.

Your hair suffers from protein overload if it is coarse, dull, stiff and if it gets tangled and puffy more frequently than before.

  •  your hair is weighted down,
  • your hair is flat,
  • it looks thin,
  • you want to add some volume to it,  
  • you want it to become flexible and shiny,

You have overloaded your hair with emollients if your hair got weighted down, flat and greasy.

  •  your hair is dry,
  • your hair is weak and brittle,
  • you want to moisturize your hair and scalp,
  • you want your hair to be soft and strong.

You have overloaded your hair with humectant products if it lost its volume, it’s hard to comb it and it tends to become frizzy.